Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Raspberries, Starting Over, 1974

Raspberries, Starting Over, 1974, I think it represents the end of rock's Renaissance period as the road for which this particular car was built disappeared right out from under them. And they had the hard rock looks to boot, a change from their earlier matching-leisure-suits approach. A little more macho than the aforementioned band of Eric's, but plenty of hair and attitude to go around.

Just the fact that there was a world out there where dudes dressed this way and hung out together playing music was riveting to me at age 14. Let's throw on the duds, grab the gear and head to the airport, we got a gig in Cleveland! If these cats drove up in a van today outside my office and hollered "we need a drummer," I'd be tempted. The reality is much more banal and repetitive, methinks, but there you go. Plus getting that makeup off is a bear.

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